If you’re looking for a creative boost, a muse to whisper ideas to you, or just something to give you a kick in the pants, look no further than your local Chinese stationery store. Instead of dismissing the bizarre English the… Continue Reading →
If you’re Chinese and living in a rural area, or even a smaller city, you might have very few chances to ever talk to a foreigner. Sure, you’ve seen them on movies and on TV, so you’re pretty sure you… Continue Reading →
This Thursday is Duanwu Jie, otherwise known as Dragon Boat Festival in English. There are various stories on the origin of this festival, usually including the somewhat macabre tale of villagers tossing zongzi (keep reading for what these are) into… Continue Reading →
All moms struggle with mom guilt, but I think living overseas adds an extra layer of struggle. We get all the normal worries plus fun bonus ones like tropical diseases and second languages. We beat ourselves up for all the ways we… Continue Reading →
Today is 520 (May 20), which, along with Valentine’s Day and Qixi (Chinese Valentine’s Day), is yet another day for young Chinese couples to buy stuff to show that they are in love. Why is May 20th a day for love?… Continue Reading →
In late January, Kunming was hit with three days of below-freezing weather. While it’s not unusual for Kunming to get some snow every few years, the fact that temperatures remained below freezing for so long was devastating to much of… Continue Reading →
I don’t know about you, but it was pretty easy to love China when I first got here. Most of us are very familiar with the honeymoon stage of culture shock, right? Everything is new and exciting and wonderful! Unfortunately,… Continue Reading →
A magical, mystical, supernatural thing happens when a woman becomes a mother. A bond is woven with the very threads of the cosmos to form an indestructible link between three entities: the mother, her child, and…the toilet seat. Moms, you… Continue Reading →
Conspiracy theory time! Claim: China is quietly waging a secret war on Mexico solely by trying to one-up Mexican snacks. Want proof? We’ve got it below. China’s method seems to be: 1) take the original snack and 2) encase it in something… Continue Reading →
It’s never easy to hold your tongue when you’re being insulted. It’s even harder when it’s a hot, humid, bad China day and you’re being insulted unfairly because of your curtains. How do you find the grace to be a… Continue Reading →
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