“It’s all rubbish,” my friend lamented. We were talking about how depressing it can be to be in our home countries, when it seems like all our friends there want to talk about is the Netflix show they’re addicted to,… Continue Reading →
We get asked a lot of questions about China. A lot. China is coming up in the world at a pace unmatched by any culture or economy in history, and it’s got the world’s attention. Naturally, people have a lot… Continue Reading →
I’m very excited to let you know I’ve been interviewed over at Beauty-fully Boundless. I feel very honored! I sent her a few of my photos to include with the interview, and I’m so glad she selected the one I… Continue Reading →
If you want to host a Chinese New Year’s party, you’ll find plenty of tips and how-to’s online about what dishes to serve, what decorations to use, different Spring Festival greetings to use, how to accumulate enough fireworks to start… Continue Reading →
A giant cold front has been drifting across a big chunk of Asia the past few days. It’s probably not making the news since the blizzard on the east coast of the U.S. is much bigger and badder, but it’s… Continue Reading →
Our apartment building’s elevator, like so many in China, is equipped with a small TV to play ads for passengers. Captive audience done right, yo. So, every day for about 30 seconds per ride, we get to have short glimpses… Continue Reading →
In 36 hours, Star Wars: The Force Awakens will descend upon China, three weeks after it hit the rest of the world. Although Hollywood is holding its breath to see what impact China’s box office power will have on… Continue Reading →
It’s fascinating to observe how China prepares for their biggest holiday, Lunar New Year. At a time when U.S. retailers have started putting Christmas stuff out in July (seriously?), it’s almost refreshing to see the first signs of New Year’s… Continue Reading →
The longer you live here, the more China starts seeping into everything you do. Here are 46 signs that your time in China is changing you. 1. The line between ketchup and marinara has blurred. 2. Cherry tomatoes and canned… Continue Reading →
So, the world is seeing Star Wars today. Well, most of the world, anyway. My Facebook feed has blown up with pictures of movie tickets, friends in Star Wars T-shirts and costumes, and threats that they’ll unfriend me if I share… Continue Reading →
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