small town laowai

an Americanish life in backwater China

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An Expat Tale (Of Taxis, Trains, and Turkeys)

    What is it with U.S. American expats and turkey?!? In honor of Thanksgiving and our beloved bird, I’m recounting a couple crazy turkey tales over at Taking Route today. Enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving! An Expat Tale (Of Taxis,… Continue Reading →

Today Marks 10 Years in China

Today is the 10th anniversary of our family’s arrival in China. It came and went with much less fanfare than it would have received had I been more prepared. There probably would have been fireworks. But I did pause to… Continue Reading →

I’m Writing a Book. For Reals.

Over the past year or so, this blog, and the response from my fabulous readers, has reminded me just how much I enjoy writing. It made me start thinking (again) about something that probably crosses every writers’ mind: writing a… Continue Reading →

10 Chinese Customs We Should Import to the U.S.

Although every culture has customs that seem crazy to outsiders (throwing rice at the bride and groom, anyone?) every culture also has customs that just plain make sense. Here are the wonderfully logical customs I would love for my passport… Continue Reading →

How Living Overseas Drained the Extrovert out of Me (Taking Route)

Our organization tends to attract introverts, so, as an extrovert, I tend to stick out like a sore (but happy and chatty) thumb at meetings. The truth is, I’m not as extroverted as I once was. Why the change? As… Continue Reading →

Yes, You Really Can Make Mooncakes at Home

I’ve always been curious to try making our own mooncakes, and this was the year the stars aligned for me to try it. Mooncakes seem like the type of thing you can only buy from a bakery or store, but–happy… Continue Reading →

What in the Middle Kingdom? Tamarind, the Cat Poo Fruit

I knew tamarind existed before we moved to China. On trips to Mexico and Thailand, I had met this fruit, but only in the form of drinks, candies, and pad thai sauce. It was nice to discover that tamarind is… Continue Reading →

The Night Pizza Made Me Cry

I looked at the lid of the box for a long time, and even took a picture to send to my sister on WhatsApp. She’s an expat, too, so I knew she would understand. What I was holding was a… Continue Reading →

An Open Letter to the Cockroaches in our Apartment

Dear Cockroaches, We had a bargain. You were supposed to stay out of sight. Wait until all humans in the apartment were completely asleep. Not just in the back bedroom for a bit, scrolling through Facebook, liable to stumble back… Continue Reading →

Looking Back with Gratitude at STLW’s First Year

I was just doing a little clean-up work behind the scenes, and realized that it’s been a year since I started posting regularly on this blog. One year and 13 days, to be exact, so I’m nearly two weeks late… Continue Reading →

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