Alright, friends, it’s finally time for MY BIG BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT!!
Two years ago, I promised myself I would finish a book draft as a present to myself for a milestone birthday. (21st, right? :)) I did it!
About a year ago, I decided to write another draft as a lead-by-example kind of thing while helping some TCKs during NaNoWriMo. I finished that draft, too!
I was determined to see at least one draft published as an actual book. In fact, I swore to NOT write any more drafts (although I have many more ideas!) until I followed through with publishing one of those drafts.
So, with a lot of work and late night editing sessions, plus oodles of help and encouragement from my sweet husband, my bookworm kids, and a few close friends and family members, I DID IT!
Now, the book is in the final stages of revision and publication prep, and will be released on February 10, 2018.
Here’s the draft description of the novel:
Emily Steele Jackson
Thirteen-year-old James’ parents and sisters are ecstatic to move back to the U.S.A., but James doesn’t see why their wonderful expat life in China needed to end. He’s sure eighth grade in America will be a disaster. With hurdles like cheese knives, drama llamas, and the Pledge of Allegiance, will Missoula, Montana ever feel like home?
I’m very excited to tell you about this book because YOU have been part of it, dear readers. Many of you have encouraged me to keep writing, and have told me you’d love to see me write a book someday. Well, someday is now! That’s why I’m extra excited to tell you about this accomplishment. I hope to have you as a reader not only for my blog, but also for my first book.
As a thank you to all you wonderful Small Town Laowai readers, I’m giving you first dibs on being on the Launch Team for HOME, JAMES. If you sign up, you’ll get a FREE copy of the book, and be part of the behind-the-scenes fun in launching this novel out into the world.
If you’re interested, please read the information below and fill out the form to apply for the team. There are a limited number of slots for this team, so grab yours quickly!
In the meantime, I’ll still be posting regularly here at Small Town Laowai. I look forward to sharing more China laowai stories with you, and hearing more from you about your adventures as well. It’s always interesting to hear your perspective and to see how our experiences intersect.
Thank you, friends!
Launch Team for HOME, JAMES
I’m looking for a great team of people to help launch my debut novel, HOME, JAMES! Interested in being part of the team? Here’s the info you need to know.
By signing up for the Launch Team, you will get:
- FREE Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of my debut novel, HOME, JAMES
- Access to a behind-the-scenes Facebook group
- Exclusive Launch Team drawings and giveaways
- My undying gratitude!
As part of the Launch Team, you commit to:
- Reading the ARC and writing a short review to post on Amazon on Launch Day, February 10, 2018
- Sharing posts about HOME, JAMES on your social media accounts to help spread word-of-mouth news
- Giving your feedback on decisions such as the book description and cover design
- Being a cheerleader for me!
More info:
- HOME, JAMES is a middle grade realistic fiction novel
- The book is about 30,000 words long, which is on the short end of middle grade novel length
- Although this book is aimed for kids ages 9-12, at this time, my Launch Team can only include adults
A few important dates:
- You’ll be sent your ARC around January 26
- You’ll have about two weeks to read the book and write your review, which you will post on February 10
- You’ll be sharing posts on social media the week of February 10-17
- The Facebook group will run from around January 15 until Februrary 17
Ready to join me on this fun adventure?
Simply fill out the form, and I’ll let you know soon if you made it onto the team. Spots are limited, so sign up now!
Launch Team Sign-Ups are now closed! Thank you for your interest. Sign up at my author website to be notified when HOME, JAMES is released!
January 12, 2018 at 10:57 am
Looks like fun. I collected stories of Third Culture kids in a book I titled “DragonTaels – Memories from the Golden Age at Hong Kong International School” Wisdom Hall Press, 2007. There’s a large network of alumni from the school that’s continually sharing news and memories. I’d be glad to recommend your book
January 12, 2018 at 11:31 am
Wow, thanks so much, David! It would be great to get the word out to that network. I’ll email you separately with info. Your book sounds very interesting. I’ll have to look for it!
January 12, 2018 at 11:27 am
Of course count me in!
January 12, 2018 at 1:29 pm
Thank you!
January 12, 2018 at 2:19 pm
Emily this is so so so exciting! While I do not have the bandwidth right now to be on your launch team . . . this is a virtual HIGH-FIVE and YOU GO GIRL! I’ll get a copy when it comes out and if it’s a good fit, the Velvet Ashes Book Club could read it this summer.
So excited for you! Amy
January 12, 2018 at 4:50 pm
Thank you so much for the encouragement. I appreciate the high fiveǃ I know you’ve been down this road a couple of times, too. ː) I would be very honored to have the book club read the book if you think it’s a good fit. That would be amazingǃ I’ll email you.
January 12, 2018 at 3:59 pm
Wish I could join the team–would love to! But, all of your launch is happening right during our yearly org conference. Bummer! I’ll be cheering you on, though! (If you don’t find enough for your team, I’d still be willing, but would just need grace with reading and posting.
January 12, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Aw, bummer about the timingǃ I will let you know, though, because I would be very happy to have you on the teamǃ