an Americanish life in backwater China

Tag everyday life

How many foreigners does it take to change a light bulb?

The bathroom light bulb burned out, and Eric went to go buy a new one. Simple, right? In theory, yes. But, the first shop didn’t have that particular kind of bulb. The next day he went a little further to… Continue Reading →

What in the Middle Kingdom? Scooter mitts and blankets

Scooter mitts are a fantastic invention. In the winter, these oven mitt cousins grace the handlebars of pretty much every scooter in sight here in China. Except that rogue in the front.

My hair and China are not on speaking terms

When we moved to China, I knew I’d have to learn a new language, a new culture, and a new toilet. But it never occurred to me that moving to China would affect my hair. Let’s explore the history of… Continue Reading →

Care packages

I’ve already gotten a couple of questions about Christmas care packages for this year, for which I’m grateful. I feel bad because postage is so insanely expensive (it’s about $80 for the larger flat rate box, like the one in… Continue Reading →

What in the Middle Kingdom? Sleeve protectors

Alright, roll up your sleeves… No, wait, hang on a second. You don’t have to! Not with these beauties! These are Chinese sleeve protectors. I know, I know, you were thinking, these are undoubtedly the Chinese version of those plastic… Continue Reading →

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